Tuesday, November 25, 2008


After having an awesome week of fun in Darwin I spent a few hours helping out at our "head office". For those who don't know "head office" is a converted garage in Steve & Michelle Hanton's backyard. No, there is no undercover security parking, nor is there a boardroom, storage area, male and female toilets, spring water fountain, lunch room or reception/waiting area.

Our "head office" is crude to say the least. There are 2 desks, with very little clear horizontal space, surrounded by merchandise, photocopier, stationery, filing cabinets, notice boards, etc. One of the desks has hardly enough room to house a volunteer. There is a small box air conditioner and 1 fan to cool the volunteers in the tropical NT heat. You would have trouble swinging a kitten around "head office".

I had heard a little of the state of head office but nothing prepared me for what I saw and worked amongst.

Everyone needs to know that Dragons Abreast Australia needs help and our member groups must be made aware of where their calls are made to and from, where events such as Caloundra and the DA Corporate and Community Regatta are organised, where their merchandise is dispensed from, where all the administration is done and why Dragons Abreast Australia needs everyone's help.

Dragons Abreast Australia is run by volunteers (apart from Kathy James who is our only paid employee on the basis of 12 paid hours although she spends approximately another 20 hours per week volunteering at "head office").

When you think of a charity please always remember "Dragons Abreast Australia" is OUR charity.
Angie Walter
Regional Representative - NSW North Coast

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